In 2016, Papyrus announced the partnership with Taylor. The singer-songwriter and American Greetings had previously been "partners in creating social expression products" since 2009, but this is Papyrus' (part of the American Greetings family) first collaboration with the pop star.
The stationery store slyly confirmed the partnership by responding to some dedicated fans via Instagram. While Papyrus did acknowledge the collaboration exists, the company wouldn't go into much detail about it just yet, saying "this is just the beginning" (of our wildest dreams).
Interestingly, this is not Taylor's first go at card writing. She did it with American Greetings way back in 2009. "My idea of a great song is a song that says how I feel better than I could. I feel the same way about greeting cards," Taylor said fittingly in the press release then. "I've always been fascinated by feelings and how we express them to each other."
Part of Taylor's proceeds are going to charity.